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Have you ever experienced a Thai Yoga Massage?

This week you will have the opportunity to experience this unique body energy work at Kocoon spa's new space with our visiting practitioner Gyan Amin, who has more then 20 years of experience in this field, and more 10 years of experience giving sessions and teaching Thai Yoga Massage.

A Therapeutic Thai Yoga Massage session is a full body treatment for body, mind and spirit that clears energy blocks, makes muscles and joints feel young and free and put the client in a state of deep relaxation where deep, healing, spiritual experiences are possible.

Our special introduction price at Kocoon spa for this week is 60 min | 600 rmb.

In one hour Gyan will do a consultation, a body reading, a guided meditation and a short bodywork to give you a first impression of this special massage technique.

If you can, we recommend you to book a full body work session of 90 min | 800rmb (special introduction price).

Unfortunately we can only accept cash payment for the moment, we apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

If you are interested make sure to reserve as soon as possible, as Gyan is only in Beijing for THIS WEEK!

Venue: Kocoon Spa, Taiyue Suites,16 San­l­i­tun South Road, Chaoyang Dis­trict, Bei­jing

To book your session: 137 178 434 06 or simply reply to this mail!

--- The Massage helps with low energy in the body, sore shoulders back or neck, stiff joints, lower back pain, muscles pain, nerves disorder and much more. First there will be a short interview with the client; finding out in depth the different body-mind-spirit issues which are happening for the individual. The session includes a physical check with special attention on body posture and spine alignment. Then the therapist will move to Thai style bodywork. Using thumbs, palms and elbow presses (and sometimes even feet and knees). He helps the receiver to relax tight muscles to release stiff joints and to free the life energy of the body. In addition Gyan will preform, based on the individual case, different Yoga-like stretches which support the opening and healing process.

"I just got my first Thai Yoga Massage with Gyan and it was amazing! A spiritual experience that combined meditation and an authentic, invigorating body work...feeling great, feeling free." Johanna


Gyan taught Thai Yoga Massage and gave sessions in his home country Israel and in Taiwan where he lived for few years and studied Mandarin Chinese. At present he lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand. A wonderful place for a Thai Massage lover… For him, Thai Yoga Massage  is a spiritual discipline, a way to express and share love and light. "Giving a session is a meditation of breath awareness and a chance of opening my heart in compassion, thus bringing the treatment to a deep level of spiritual communion and healing." Gyan Video about Thai Yoga Massage with Gyan ( with your VPN)

If you are interested in private sessions, workshops, massage courses or joining a demo presentation, please email us at and we will email you directly. [hr] Copyright ©

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Coffee & Honey Tasting at Kocoon Spa

Coffee & Honey Tasting with Shangrila Farms

The smell of fresh roasted coffee in the morning belongs to the beautiful things of life.

Kocoon Spa  invites you to smell and taste coffee together with Sahra from Shangrila Farms during our exclusive coffee tasting morning.

To sweeten up the event, we will also include a honey tasting.  Safi, from Shangrila Farms, will introduce to you a delightfully handpicked selection of honey.

When: Sunday June 23rd, 11:00AM-12:30PM

Where: Kocoon spa in Taiyue Heights, 1st floor east side of the building

Fee: 80RMB / person, space is limited so make sure to reserve your spot beforehand!

RSVP: 13717943406 or

About Shangrila Farms

Shangrila Farms has developed three lines of products: Shangrila Farms all-natural Coffee, Shangrila Farms all-natural Honey, and Shangrila Botanicals handmade, cold-processed skincare.  Their ingredients are pure, carefully crafted, and organic, providing their customers with the best health benefits.

Shangrila Farms Coffee

Shangrila Farms fine Arabica coffee beans originate from the pristine and remote mountains of Southern Yunnan.  Their farmers use green growing practices, avoiding the use of chemicals and pesticides.   Shangrila Farms uses only the highest quality beans from their harvests.

Shangrila Farms Honey

Shangrila Farms Honey is made purely by bees and small scale farmers in pristine mountain conditions.  Traditional beekeeping practices tend to rely on the heavy use of chemicals including antibiotics, pesticides, and supplements to maximize honey production.  Shangrila Farms monitors beekeeping practices to ensure their honey is nutritious, pure, and free from pesticides and other contaminants.

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5 Questions with...Charlene Wang

This month we met Charlene, founder of Tranquil Tuesdays, who's dedication is to reveal and showcase China’s revered tea tradition and inspired tea culture with the rest of the world.

1. Where does the name « Tranquil Tuesdays » come from?

Tuesdays have always been my favorite day because Monday is over and you still have the whole week to look forward to.  I began treating Tuesdays like a special day and then I started noticing that lots of good things happen to me on Tuesdays—which is still the case! As a Chinese social enterprise based in Beijing, China, of course we needed a Chinese name too.  So when it came time to translate “Tranquil Tuesdays” into Chinese we found another cool reason it was the perfect name for the company: in Chinese “tranquil” translates into 宁静 ning jing and my Chinese name has a 宁ning in it (commonly Chinese names are either two or three characters).  Many of our Chinese customers think I named the company after myself because of this coincidence—but as you now know, that is not how we came upon the name!

2.Where are some of the more interesting places you've traveled in pursuit of tea?

I have been fortunate enough to taste and experience tea all over the world.  And yet, no teas have made as deep of an impact on me as those of China. The first time I had a sip of a tea that caused me to pause was when I was working as a diplomat and attended a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing. The ministry served a green tea, a Longjing 龙井 (also known as Dragon Well tea), from near West Lake that was so revelatory, so nutty and creamy, with an elegant softness that stood out so sharply from all the tea drinking I had ever done before it, that it became distracting. All I could think was: What is this tea? Why is it so good? Where can I find more of it?For more interesting places read the article Charlene wrote about her tea travels.

3. How can we brew the perfect cup of tea at home?

Sometimes people make brewing a great cup of tea harder than it really is. You don’t need a fancy or complicated ceremony to brew tea optimally.  You don’t even need a teapot.  You just need to respect these basic principles for brewing the perfect cup of tea: 

Brew loose whole-leaf tea & Use good water: Try to use your favorite filtered or spring water. 

Get the temperature of the water right:  Boiling water actually burns and ruins green teas and makes your white teas lose that nice soft edge.  The ideal temperature for green and white teas is below boiling.  

No over-steeping: I actually think this is the number one problem people make.  Show your tea leaves some love and attention, decant the water in a timely fashion, and your tea will have the nice round and smooth mouth feel you hope for.  

Give your tea enough space to release its flavor: Give your tea leaves the space they need to fully open up and release their flavor so you can enjoy everything your tea leaves have to offer.

But all of this means nothing if you aren’t using great tea!  I can’t do much for you if you are trying to make the most sublime cup of tea with sub-par quality or past its prime tea.

4. Of all the types of tea (red, black, green, white), which offers the most health benefits?

To begin with, when people talk about tea and health they are usually talking about antioxidants found in tea. I want to remind everyone that all true tea is from the same plant (albeit often different cultivars of the same plant) cameilia sinesis, so whatever type of tea you like, the chemical and structural composition of the tea leaf isn’t that radically different.  Thus, each tea offers different health benefits. You can visit our website, where we explain the latest scientific research that supports the role of tea improving health.

5. Is there a region known for producing the best tea?I think one of the most exciting things about Chinese teas is there are many different regions throughout China known for producing a variety of high quality teas.  Similar to wine, certain regions are known for specific types of tea and produce the best examples of that type of tea.  For example, Fuding, Fujian is the origin of white tea, so the best white teas come from that region.  If you want to learn more about what makes Chinese teas so exciting and unique, make sure to head over to and sign-up for our newsletter!


About Tranquil Tuesdays
Tran­quil Tues­days is a dis­tinctly Chi­nese social enter­prise devoted to dis­tract­ingly good Chi­nese tea and beau­ti­fully authen­tic teaware. Tran­quil Tues­days is ded­i­cated to reveal­ing and show­cas­ing China’s revered tea tra­di­tion and inspired tea cul­ture with the rest of the world.Visit Tran­quil Tuesday’s website

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Massage & Facial Package at Kocoon Spa

A healthier you.

Stress relief can improve your vitality and state of mind: You will feel better and look better. Care of yourself and your body with our special offer:

Massage & Facial Package

Buy 10 massages or facials and get 2 extra for free. 
Save up to 1760rmb!

购买10次面护赠送2次 (限相同护理 )

*Treatments are non exchangeable, offer valid until August 31st, 2013; 18 month validity, may not be combined with other offers and promotions


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Embodying nature - an intro session

My Body is my teacher - Body, Mind, Heart Adventures

Basic Self Care, Increased Self Awareness

Together with Wilson Chik and Dalida Turkovic we will explore our body as our teacher by treating the following points:

- What can we learn from body awareness?
- How do we mirror nature through our bodies?
- Physical exploration: body experiencing – body movement, breath and pulse

WHEN: Tuesday, July 2nd at 7.30pm-9pm. 
Price: 180rmb

For more information at RSVP please call +86 137 179 434 06 or write us an email to

The event is an introduction session leading to one weekend together with Dalida Turkovic and Wilson Chick in Sancha Village. You are invited  for 2 days and 2 nights of dream work, body mapping, exploration of rituals and intentions. Together you  will hike, dance, embrace silence, laugh and dream together.


About Wilson Chik  & Dalida Turkovic

Wilson's experience comes from mystical traditions, Butoh, fitness and integrative well-being, dreams and visual arts. His simple approach to life is to balance the act of doing and being. His movement work has been in international fringe festivals, cross cultural exchanges and sole & choreographed productions.
Wilson lives and works in Hong Kong where he delivers Movement Unfolding workshops that cover: Heart centered movements, Authenticity, Breathing, Mindfulness and body fulness, Butoh, Yoga and tai chi based movements, Creativity etc.


Dal­ida has been work­ing in the field of train­ing, coach­ing and con­sul­tancy since 1995. In all her work, Dal­ida is dri­ven by a pro­found inter­est in what moves and moti­vates peo­ple. Dal­ida is a cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Coach and a mem­ber of Inter­na­tional Coach­ing Coun­cil. She also holds cer­ti­fi­ca­tions in NLP and is EQCoach and EQ Trainer with BA in Chi­nese Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture from the Bel­grade Lan­guage University. As a prac­ti­cioner of inter­nal mar­tial arts Dal­ida actively applies the mar­tial arts phi­los­o­phy in her coach­ing and consultancy.



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Reiki Share @ Kocoon Spa

Join us in Kocoon’s inti­mate set­ting, for a Reiki share, Nov 9 & 16.

Time: 2:00–4:00 pm

Place: Kocoon spa’s new space in San­l­i­tun South

Facil­i­ta­tor: Bego­nia Read Begonia’s Biography

Price: 50rmb | per­son– Cash pay­ment only

Rsvp REQUIRED:  132 416 960 21. 

Send us an email if you would like to be updated of the next sessions!

We rec­om­mend each par­tic­i­pant to arrive at least 15 min­utes in advance, to relax and set­tle. In order to ensure the qual­ity of the med­i­ta­tion envi­ron­ment and for respect of all the par­tic­i­pants, we will not be able to accept late arrivals.

Check out Time Out ‘s review of the reiki pri­vate ses­sion at Kocoon spa

What is a Reiki Share? 

About Reiki

Reiki is a way to active the body’s nat­ural abil­ity to heal itself. Reiki works along the same prin­ci­ples as qigong, acupunc­ture and other Asian heal­ing tech­niques.  Treat­ments work to remove block­ages and release tox­ins.  Reiki cre­ates a type of med­i­ta­tive or hyp­notic state that in turn stim­u­lates the parasym­pa­thetic ner­vous sys­tem.  The parasym­pa­thetic ner­vous sys­tem con­trols the activ­i­ties which occur when the body is at rest and is heal­ing and pro­cess­ing.  Reiki helps relax mus­cles and the func­tion­ing of inter­nal organs.  It improves diges­tion and aids with energy lev­els and sleep­ing func­tions. In Chi­nese med­i­cine this is described as stim­u­lat­ing the cen­tral ner­vous system.

Reiki addresses prob­lems ener­get­i­cally, which includes the phys­i­cal, men­tal, emo­tional and spir­i­tual sides of any issue.  Reiki can help with a wide rang­ing of prob­lems, from anx­i­ety to mus­cu­lar pains and chronic ail­ments. It is also a won­der­ful way to pro­mote over­all well being. Reiki is a tech­nique for reliev­ing ten­sion and stress and improv­ing qual­ity of life.

We rec­om­mend you to read this prior to the ses­sion: Reiki Q & A

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Reiki Q & A

Q: What does Reiki mean?

A: The word “Rei” means uni­ver­sal and the work “Ki” means life-force energy. There­fore Reiki means “Uni­ver­sal life-force energy”.


Q: How is a Reiki treat­ment given?

A: The Reiki prac­ti­tioner lays his/her hands on or above the recipient’s body. S/he then chan­nels the Reiki and trans­fer it through his/her hands into the person’s body to bal­ance his/her energies.


Q: What does a Reiki treat­ment feel like?

A: It depends because each per­son is dif­fer­ent. You can feel warm or cold spots, waves of heat, etc. But, every­one usu­ally feels more relaxed. They let go of ten­sion, are more pos­i­tive about life and have fewer fears and anx­i­eties.  It’s also not rare to see some­one fall asleep dur­ing a treatment.


Q: How does Reiki work?

A: Our body is com­posed of Ki, that’s what makes it work. Ki also trav­els through the Chi­nese merid­i­ans and other energy points (such as Chakras {Spin­ning Wheels}). Any energy block­ages or dis­tur­bances are likely to lead to an ill­ness. Reiki prac­ti­tion­ers use Reiki to bal­ance, har­mo­nize and break these block­ages. This energy is spir­i­tu­ally guided to go wher­ever and on what­ever lev­els it is needed (body, spirit, or mind).


Q: Who can learn to do Reiki?

A: Any­one who is will­ing to learn. There is no lim­i­ta­tion of gen­der, age or beliefs. It’s a very sim­ple tech­nique which does not nec­es­sar­ily require expe­ri­ence in med­i­ta­tion, heal­ing or other kind of train­ing. You just need to find a qual­i­fied teacher to instruct you.


Q: Where does Reiki energy come from?

A: The Reiki energy comes from above. We do not use our own energy so we need to take it from some­where else. We take it from the infi­nite universe.


Q: What can be treated with Reiki?

A: Any­thing on a spir­i­tual, men­tal or phys­i­cal level, whether we are aware of the prob­lem or not, can ben­e­fit from Reiki.


Q: Do Reiki treat­ments elim­i­nate the need to see a reg­u­lar doc­tor or psychologist?

A: Cer­tainly not! Reiki is a com­ple­men­tary heal­ing tech­nique that can be very help­ful, but does not replace med­ical care.


Q: Do you diag­nose clients’ health problems?

A: No. How­ever, we might sug­gest that you visit the doc­tor if we really think that some­thing is wrong with your health. But it would only be advice. The rest is up to you.


Q: Do I need to feel ill to ben­e­fit from Reiki?

A: Not at all. And if you want to have a treat­ment, you are more than wel­come since it will help you to keep your ener­gies into bal­ance, rein­force your immune sys­tem and make you feel spir­i­tu­ally and phys­i­cally better.


Q: Is Reiki a religion?

A: No, Reiki has a spir­i­tual nature but is not a reli­gion. You don’t have to believe in any­thing or go against your own beliefs. But if you are a reli­gious per­son, know that some peo­ple report that using Reiki often helps them to feel closer to God or the uni­verse. They feel like they have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of life and their purpose.


Q: How is one attuned to chan­nel Reiki?

A: As we said above, you first need to find a teacher with whom you feel at ease. The teacher will then ask you to sit down and will per­form the attune­ment. S/he will open your abil­ity to chan­nel Reiki energy, so that you can heal your­self as well as others.


Q: Does Reiki have any side effects?

A: Reiki is not harm­ful. Since it is guided spir­i­tu­ally there is noth­ing to worry about. How­ever, think of what it’s like when you want to ease the pain of a burn. You put a cold-pack on it mak­ing it burn harder at first before the pain dis­ap­pears. Reiki some­times works the same way. When you’re in the process of heal­ing, you may suf­fer from mild headaches or weak­nesses, but it’s nor­mal. You’ll have to drink water to cleanse you body of tox­ins and get ade­quate rest. It’s actu­ally a good sign and it doesn’t last for long.

Check out Time Out’s review of the pri­vate reiki ses­sion at Kocoon spa

Join a reiki share at Kocoon spa

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Wellness Activities


Dates: Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 14

Time: 15:00–16:30

Loca­tion: Kocoon

Facil­i­ta­tor: Bego­nia Read her biography

Price: 50rmb | per­son– Cash Pay­ment Only

What to wear: Some­thing com­fort­able. You will also need to take off your shoes.

We rec­om­mend each par­tic­i­pant to arrive at least 15 min­utes in advance, to relax and set­tle. In order to ensure the qual­ity of the med­i­ta­tion envi­ron­ment and for respect of all the partici­pants, we will not be able to accept late arrivals.  If pos­si­ble, please do con­firm by email that you will join, or book directly through Kocoon.

Read our Reiki Q & A

What is a Reiki Share? 



Facil­i­ta­tor: Begonia

Tim­ing: Please call us to make an appoint­ment. Ses­sion usu­ally on evenings ay 8pm.

Treat­ment Fees: 250 RMB –Cash Pay­ment Only

What to wear: Com­fort­able clothes. You will need to take off your shoes.

A Reiki ses­sion typ­i­cally lasts for about an hour and can be for spe­cific con­di­tions of gen­eral well being. The prac­ti­tioner and client first dis­cuss the treat­ment. Then the client either lies down or sits com­fort­ably with a straight back. The prac­ti­tioner typ­i­cally lays hands on or near the main energy cen­tres of the body, from the top of the head down­wards, chan­nelling the energy for treat­ments of those areas.

Each Per­son senses the Reiki energy dif­fer­ently, but often the client expe­ri­ences relax­ing and nur­tur­ing sen­sa­tions of warmth in the areas being treated. The more you relax  dur­ing the ses­sion the more you will get out of it.

Once the treat­ment is com­plete, the client and prac­ti­tioner dis­cuss the treat­ment and look into any fur­ther ques­tions that may arise.

Before the Treatment—How to Prepare

No spe­cific prepa­ra­tions are needed, but clients are advised to wear loose and com­fort­able cloth­ing. They are also advised to abstain from stim­u­lants or seda­tives, such as alco­hol, prior to the treatment.

How Many Ses­sions Do I Need?

The fre­quency and num­ber of ses­sions will depend on the client and what they want to address in their ses­sions. For clients inter­ested in gen­eral well-being, one ses­sion every two weeks is often a good fit.

NB: A Reiki treat­ment is not a mas­sage but an energy therapy.

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Lunchtime Special

Between 10:30am and 4pm you can enjoy 15% discount towards any spa treatments with our special

Lunch-Time-Membership program. 

You may purchase a 3000rmb-pre-paid account at Kocoon spa and enjoy exclusive treatments discount.

Waxing services are excluded from the program. Your membership cannot be used in conjunction to other promotions. Membership can be transferred provided 200rmb administration fee.

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Life Coaching with Dalida Turkovic

MAY 30: Coach­ing Intro­duc­tion Ses­sion with Dalida

Coach­ing is tak­ing off in China and it has become a new buzz word for pro­fes­sion­als and indi­vid­u­als who are look­ing for improv­ing the way they work as well as the over­all qual­ity of life. In 90 min­utes you will hear an overview of what are dif­fer­ent coach­ing approaches and how to make a deci­sion of coach­ing is the right approach for you


What is the dif­fer­ence between Busi­ness, Exec­u­tive, Career, Man­age­ment and Life Coaching

How to select a coach and

What to look for in coaching

What are usual coach­ing agree­ments: dura­tion and price

Time: 19:45 — 21:15  |  19:30: Sign up and and enjoy some tea

Place: Kocoon spa’s new space in San­l­i­tun South, Taiyue

RSVP please (lim­ited space) & more infor­ma­tion: 137 179 434 06 or write us an email at



Dal­ida has been work­ing in the field of train­ing, coach­ing and con­sul­tancy since 1995.
She has deliv­ered a vast num­ber of pro­grams in Vision, Val­ues & Goals, Lead­er­ship and Team­build­ing pro­grams for cor­po­rate clients in China, Cam­bo­dia, Hong Kong, Tai­wan, Mon­go­lia and Thai­land. Through her work she has a pro­found insight into key issues that cor­po­ra­tions face in a fast and ever chang­ing envi­ron­ment.
In 2002 Dal­ida founded her own coach­ing and con­sult­ing com­pany, Small Steps (China) Ltd., with the aim to assist per­for­mance enhance­ment and facil­i­tate change through coach­ing and con­sul­tancy using holis­tic approach. In all her work, Dal­ida is dri­ven by a pro­found inter­est in what moves and moti­vates peo­ple.
Dal­ida is a cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Coach and a mem­ber of Inter­na­tional Coach­ing Coun­cil. She also holds cer­ti­fi­ca­tions in NLP and is EQCoach and EQ Trainer with BA in Chi­nese Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture from the Bel­grade Lan­guage University.

As a prac­ti­cioner of inter­nal mar­tial arts Dal­ida actively applies the mar­tial arts phi­los­o­phy in her coach­ing and consultancy.

“In all my work I am dri­ven by a pro­found inter­est in what moves and moti­vates peo­ple. I believe in big changes through small steps whilst keep­ing the body and mind in bal­ance. Over two decades of work­ing in China, I have wit­nessed first hand the impact of change on cor­po­ra­tions and top exec­u­tives and this has led me to develop a holis­tic coach­ing approach.  Draw­ing on my 12-year inter­nal mar­tial arts prac­tice, I actively imple­ment prin­ci­ples of Tra­di­tional Chi­nese Med­i­cine phi­los­o­phy to help my clients achieve bet­ter focus, increased con­fi­dence and a sense of well-being in both their per­sonal and pro­fes­sional lives. ”

Press Reviews from Dal­ida 


SPECIAL PROMOTION FOR KOCOON SPA CLIENTS | One hour coach­ing ses­sion for only 500 rmb

This month you can enjoy one month coach­ing (3–4 ses­sions per client) for a trial price of 500 rmb per 1h ses­sion! You safe 50%!  
To take advan­tage of this spe­cial offer please write an mail to Dal­ida at by men­tion­ing Kocoon spa dis­count in the sub­ject line. 

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