Reiki Share @ Kocoon Spa
Join us in Kocoon’s intimate setting, for a Reiki share, Nov 9 & 16.
Time: 2:00–4:00 pm
Place: Kocoon spa’s new space in Sanlitun South
Facilitator: Begonia Read Begonia’s Biography
Price: 50rmb | person– Cash payment only
Rsvp REQUIRED: 132 416 960 21.
Send us an email if you would like to be updated of the next sessions!
We recommend each participant to arrive at least 15 minutes in advance, to relax and settle. In order to ensure the quality of the meditation environment and for respect of all the participants, we will not be able to accept late arrivals.
Check out Time Out ‘s review of the reiki private session at Kocoon spa
About Reiki
Reiki is a way to active the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki works along the same principles as qigong, acupuncture and other Asian healing techniques. Treatments work to remove blockages and release toxins. Reiki creates a type of meditative or hypnotic state that in turn stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system controls the activities which occur when the body is at rest and is healing and processing. Reiki helps relax muscles and the functioning of internal organs. It improves digestion and aids with energy levels and sleeping functions. In Chinese medicine this is described as stimulating the central nervous system.
Reiki addresses problems energetically, which includes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sides of any issue. Reiki can help with a wide ranging of problems, from anxiety to muscular pains and chronic ailments. It is also a wonderful way to promote overall well being. Reiki is a technique for relieving tension and stress and improving quality of life.
We recommend you to read this prior to the session: Reiki Q & A
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