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Life Coaching with Dalida Turkovic

MAY 30: Coach­ing Intro­duc­tion Ses­sion with Dalida

Coach­ing is tak­ing off in China and it has become a new buzz word for pro­fes­sion­als and indi­vid­u­als who are look­ing for improv­ing the way they work as well as the over­all qual­ity of life. In 90 min­utes you will hear an overview of what are dif­fer­ent coach­ing approaches and how to make a deci­sion of coach­ing is the right approach for you


What is the dif­fer­ence between Busi­ness, Exec­u­tive, Career, Man­age­ment and Life Coaching

How to select a coach and

What to look for in coaching

What are usual coach­ing agree­ments: dura­tion and price

Time: 19:45 — 21:15  |  19:30: Sign up and and enjoy some tea

Place: Kocoon spa’s new space in San­l­i­tun South, Taiyue

RSVP please (lim­ited space) & more infor­ma­tion: 137 179 434 06 or write us an email at marketing@kocoonspalounge.com



Dal­ida has been work­ing in the field of train­ing, coach­ing and con­sul­tancy since 1995.
She has deliv­ered a vast num­ber of pro­grams in Vision, Val­ues & Goals, Lead­er­ship and Team­build­ing pro­grams for cor­po­rate clients in China, Cam­bo­dia, Hong Kong, Tai­wan, Mon­go­lia and Thai­land. Through her work she has a pro­found insight into key issues that cor­po­ra­tions face in a fast and ever chang­ing envi­ron­ment.
In 2002 Dal­ida founded her own coach­ing and con­sult­ing com­pany, Small Steps (China) Ltd., with the aim to assist per­for­mance enhance­ment and facil­i­tate change through coach­ing and con­sul­tancy using holis­tic approach. In all her work, Dal­ida is dri­ven by a pro­found inter­est in what moves and moti­vates peo­ple.
Dal­ida is a cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Coach and a mem­ber of Inter­na­tional Coach­ing Coun­cil. She also holds cer­ti­fi­ca­tions in NLP and is EQCoach and EQ Trainer with BA in Chi­nese Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture from the Bel­grade Lan­guage University.

As a prac­ti­cioner of inter­nal mar­tial arts Dal­ida actively applies the mar­tial arts phi­los­o­phy in her coach­ing and consultancy.

“In all my work I am dri­ven by a pro­found inter­est in what moves and moti­vates peo­ple. I believe in big changes through small steps whilst keep­ing the body and mind in bal­ance. Over two decades of work­ing in China, I have wit­nessed first hand the impact of change on cor­po­ra­tions and top exec­u­tives and this has led me to develop a holis­tic coach­ing approach.  Draw­ing on my 12-year inter­nal mar­tial arts prac­tice, I actively imple­ment prin­ci­ples of Tra­di­tional Chi­nese Med­i­cine phi­los­o­phy to help my clients achieve bet­ter focus, increased con­fi­dence and a sense of well-being in both their per­sonal and pro­fes­sional lives. ”

Press Reviews from Dal­ida 


SPECIAL PROMOTION FOR KOCOON SPA CLIENTS | One hour coach­ing ses­sion for only 500 rmb

This month you can enjoy one month coach­ing (3–4 ses­sions per client) for a trial price of 500 rmb per 1h ses­sion! You safe 50%!  
To take advan­tage of this spe­cial offer please write an mail to Dal­ida at dalida@small-steps-coaching.com by men­tion­ing Kocoon spa dis­count in the sub­ject line. 

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