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Flourfree Almond-Carrot Cake

Since I am in Beijing I tried a lot of different carrot cakes - with or without frosting - and they were all different. Some were too sweet, some too firm, some too dry, but the best and perfect one I ate was at Dareem Cafe in Sanlitun South. Therefore my goal was to make a carrot cake which was at least as delicious as Dareems'. It is the first carrot cake I made - Maika gave me the recipe - and it was simply delicious: succulent and just perfect! I did not any topping as it was already delicious, but I think for the next time I'd probably try some walnut cream cheese frosting...we'll see!

And here comes the recipe, inspired from Natalie Eve Garrett 


1 3/4 cups almond meal (or 1 ½ cups ground almonds or other nuts)
1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
a pinch of ground cloves
a pinch of salt
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
4 eggs
2/3 cup raw sugar
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 ½ cups carrots (3-4 large carrots), peeled and finely grated (I used a food processor, but you can also use the smallest holes on a box grater. Or, in a pinch, you can buy a bag of pre-shredded carrots at a place like Trader Joes, though they’ll be drier; soak them for an hour or so first!)
2/3 cup raisins (optional)


1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Grease a 9” cake pan with olive oil spray plus a drizzle or two more olive oil; set aside.

2. Combine almond meal (or grind your own in a food processor), spices and baking powder in one bowl; set aside.

3. Beat the eggs (with a mixer fitted with a whisk, or briskly with a fork). Slowly add the raw sugar and beat until it’s thick and ribbon-y. Add in the almond extract and olive oil, keep beating. Ahhhh that gorgeous almond smell!

4. Gently fold in the almond-spice mixture, and then slowly add the carrots and raisins.

5. Pour the batter into the cake pan. Bake for about one hour.

Fresh Lemongrass Tea and Homemade Carrot Cake at Kocoon Spa

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Cucumber Mint Spa Water

This refreshing spa-water recipe come from Cynthia Sass, MPH, MA, RD, former Nutrition Director for Prevention, who created the recipe while developing a Flat Belly Diet. It is refreshing for the summer & great for your body!


2 liters water (about 8 1/2 cups)
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1 medium cucumber peeled and thinly sliced
1 medium lemon thinly sliced
12 small spearmint leaves


Mix all the ingredients together in a pitcher
Refrigerate overnight
Strain water
Enjoy over ice cubes
Add mint sprig for garnish (optional)

The Ginger contains high concentrations of antioxidants and helps soothe the intestinal tract and digestion. As an immune booster, ginger may not only be warming on a cold day, but can help promote healthy sweating. A good sweat may can assist in detoxification.Cucumber flesh is primarily composed of water but also contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and caffeic acid, both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling. Cucumber juice is often recommended as a source of silica to improve the complexion and health of the skin, plus cucumber's high water content makes it naturally hydrating—a must for glowing skin.

Like many of the fruits and vegetables featured on our website, lemons and limes contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

Spearmint is a pleasantly aromatic herb packed with numerous health benefiting vitamins, antioxidants and phyto-nutrients. These compounds in mint help relieve fatigue and stress. Spearmint is said to be an excellent remedy for minor ailments such as headaches, nervous strain, fatigue and stress, as well as for the respiratory problems; helping with asthma and bronchitis. It is thought to aid with digestive problems including nausea, flatulence and hiccups as it relaxes the stomach muscles.


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New at Kocoon spa: Restorative Water Lily Facial

Looking perfect in Summer with our Water Lily Facial

This corrective facial is perfect for very sensitive or sunburnt skin. The calming, strengthening, and repairing benefits of Waterlily, Green Tea, and Proline will leave you completely refreshed and recharged and glowing with vitality.


可降低皮肤温度缓解由于晒伤、敏感、紧张造成的皮肤不适感,包括日晒过敏和刺痛。防止外部环境因素弱化皮肤抗阳光紫外线的 侵袭。滋润肌肤还原透亮清爽的肌肤

Our Spa Special in July: This month you can enjoy our Water Lily Facial plus 15 minutes back massage as a prelude to your Facial, using your choice of organic Aromatherapy blend for only 450rmb instead of 565rmb if you book this month - safe 115rmb! 

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Jiali Art Exhibition at Kocoon spa

Kocoon spa invites you to its Art Exhi­bi­tion by Jiali Art Gallery. The exi­bi­tion presents paint­ings from Seba L’allemand, artist and image maker from France.

His art­work: The Bubble

The bub­ble rises up and is pierced by the tip of the air; the shreds of its for­mer life float­ing down onto the paper.

The promethean dancer may pour his whole energy into reach­ing the height of the bub­ble; yet he will never be able to push his phys­i­cal being when his goal never stops lim­it­ing his move­ments. Seba brings him back to the page where the bub­ble is perched. He places his promethean dancer onto the pho­to­graph and leans over it to stare at what he sees.

Seba stares at the ground to cre­ate a paint­ing which he will name Pinocchio.

From the ground emerge craters and black holes, mete­orites and suns, a head and a body.

Who knows what is cre­ated, if this body and this head are the fruit borne of Seba’s work. Those mate­ri­als that he mixes and kneads, do they pierce the bub­ble and tear the dancer apart?

From the bub­bles that pop, from the dancer who throws him­self, from the paint­ing that emerges from the ground … is this the chain of cre­ation? Are these works of art cre­ated in the same organic way the world was?

The only truth known for cer­tain is the deep and encom­pass­ing unity of these three forces in Seba’s work.

About Seba Lallemand

Artist, image maker — Born in 1973 at Saint Mar­tin d’Hères, France.

Seba Lalle­mand was born in Saint-Martin-d’Hères / France. He spent his child­hood in West Africa (Gabon and Ivory Coast). After his art school stud­ies (at ESAD / Orléans), in 1998, he joined Fab­rica (Italy) directed by Oliviero Toscani where worked on visual projects and was the author of a short film “After­words”, which was pre­sented at the Venice, Rot­ter­dam, Paris, Croa­tia and Rome film fes­ti­vals. Upon his return to Paris, he worked as a video direc­tor on the Gotan Project French Music Award 2002 and also as a free­lance designer. In 2003, he set up “Eye­smile” an adver­tis­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion com­pany in Hong Kong. In 2007, he worked as a cin­e­matog­ra­pher for Wang Bing (Bru­tal­ity Fac­tory), and as a cin­e­matog­ra­pher for Ai Weiwei’s Fairy Tale project in the Kas­sel Doc­u­menta inter­na­tional exhi­bi­tion (Germany).

Since 2009, he is based in Trôo, a troglodyte vil­lage in France… From there, he decided to dis­tance him­self with the dig­i­tal communication…

On a sheet of paper, I’m draw­ing with a Bic and Tipp-Ex… On a sheet of paper or a can­vas, I’m draw­ing paint­ing with ink bub­bles… Some­times I add oil paints or pig­ments… I’m IN PROGRESS… Cur­rently, I’m paint­ing with oil col­ors… When I’m not in the work­shop, I’m tak­ing pictures…”

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Restorative Facial Promotion

* 15 min. Aromatherapy Tension Relief Back Massage with Kocoon Signature Blend using 100% organic essential oils

* 65 min. Soothing Water Lily Facial

* Post treatment tea by Tranquil Tuesdays or fresh IF juice

80 min of relaxation and bliss, 450rmb

Promotion extended until end of September! Non compatible with other promotions and discounts

Soothing Comfort! Relieve painful sunburn and immediately decrease your skin's temperature with Pevonia After-Sun Soothing Facial. A cooling gel of Waterlily with Green Tea and Essential Oils is applied. The properties of the massage mask reduce irritation and inflammation deep in the skin’s tissue, leaving it calm and soothed while deeply repairing and banishing free radicals. The treatment includes a facial cleanse and a stress melting scalp, shoulders and arms massage.

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What Are Emotions Teaching Me - Transforming Negative Emotions

What Are Emotions Teaching Me?

Are emotions standing in your way when dealing with work and life obligations? In this short session Dalida will share mind-body techniques and mindfulness practice for better understanding on how to transform and use negative emotions for increased self-awareness, personal growth and improved relationships.

When: Thursday, July 11, 19:30-21:00

RSVP & Info: Call ahead +86 137 179 434 0r send us an email at

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Kocoon spa announces new partnership in Paris!

Kocoon spa now is proud to announce now a sister spa in Paris, sharing the same vision of quality and attentive service! My Little Cocoon - Urban Spa ( you might need a vpn) just opened its door this summer, and welcomes you in its clean, elegant and peaceful environment in the center of Paris. Owned by my French friend,

Owned by my French friend, former resident of Beijing, and passionate by Japan, and his Chinese partner- long term resident of Paris, My Little Cocoon carries some Japanese influence with attention to details and Japanese team members for the treatments.

If you mention Kocoon spa when making your booking, you will be able to benefit a 20% discount on your first visit!

Services include: Nail care, gel nail, deep tissue massage with essential oils and their specialty is the " Japanese lymphatic massage".

When you visit Paris next time, make sure to make a stop at My Little Cocoon, the perfect retreat after a long walk in the city!

My Little Cocoon's 2 locations:

@ St Placide

90 Rue de Vaugirard

75006 Paris

Tél: 01 45 44 74 21

Métro: St Placide (ligne 4)


@ Pyramides

31 Rue d'Argenteuil

75001 Paris

Tél: 01 42 86 94 77

Metro: Pyramides (ligne 7 & 14)  


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Protect your lungs with pumpkin porridge

By : Dr. Ana Zikic, Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Qi gong healer
From September 7 to 22nd, it is the Bai Lu 白露  period, and from September 23rd until October 7, we are entering Qiu Fen 秋分 period, the official start of Autumn.
This transition period where we are ending a season and starting a new one is the most sensitive period for our body, as our Qi follows the natural flow of seasons and if we do not have an good internal balance, we can become sick very easily.
During this period, it is recommended to drink pumpkin porridge "Nanguatang", where wolf berry fruit "GouQiZi 枸杞子" and lily bulb "BaiHe 百合)" can be added.
Pumpkin: Its sweet and warm taste enters the spleen and stomach meridian. It nourishes the earth element in our body. It also help detoxification of it.
Wolf berry fruit: Well known ingredient in Chinese cuisine, is very often used in Chinese medical dietology, because of its influence on liver, lungs and kidney.
Together with the lily bulb, it can improve the lungs' function, as this is the organ that is being activated during Autumn. The sweet taste and its cooling property gives lily bulb the function of building yin in the lungs to prevent dryness. Indeed, dryness is a as pathological factor that attacks the lungs and induce "Autumn dry cough".
Coriander (Xiang Cai, 香菜) can be added for a better taste, as it promotes urination and detoxification . Drink pumpkin soup now, and you will build a strong base of Earth element and strengthen your lungs for a healthy Autumn!

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