Protect your lungs with pumpkin porridge

By : Dr. Ana Zikic, Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Qi gong healer
From September 7 to 22nd, it is the Bai Lu 白露 period, and from September 23rd until October 7, we are entering Qiu Fen 秋分 period, the official start of Autumn.
This transition period where we are ending a season and starting a new one is the most sensitive period for our body, as our Qi follows the natural flow of seasons and if we do not have an good internal balance, we can become sick very easily.
During this period, it is recommended to drink pumpkin porridge "Nanguatang", where wolf berry fruit "GouQiZi 枸杞子" and lily bulb "BaiHe 百合)" can be added.
Pumpkin: Its sweet and warm taste enters the spleen and stomach meridian. It nourishes the earth element in our body. It also help detoxification of it.

Wolf berry fruit: Well known ingredient in Chinese cuisine, is very often used in Chinese medical dietology, because of its influence on liver, lungs and kidney.

Together with the lily bulb, it can improve the lungs' function, as this is the organ that is being activated during Autumn. The sweet taste and its cooling property gives lily bulb the function of building yin in the lungs to prevent dryness. Indeed, dryness is a as pathological factor that attacks the lungs and induce "Autumn dry cough".

Coriander (Xiang Cai, 香菜) can be added for a better taste, as it promotes urination and detoxification . Drink pumpkin soup now, and you will build a strong base of Earth element and strengthen your lungs for a healthy Autumn!