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Purifying Back Treatment

Purifying Back Treatment

Everyone needs a deep cleanse of their back once in a while!

Spa Treatment includes:

  • Cleanse
  • Exfoliation of dead skin with ozone steaming
  • Manual extraction of black heads
  • Purifying mask using clay or Tamarind
  • Stress-melting massage


What is Ozone steaming? Ozone on a steamer helps to moisten your skin, whitens and purifies your skin, increase blood circulation and increases skin metabolism. It also loosens the dirt - clogged in the pores of you skin. The dirt comes with sebum, the oil that is produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Benefits of the Purifying Bentonite Clay Mask: Clay works like a magnet it pulls toxins towards itself and releases stored energy into the area it is covering. In history the Chinese and Mayan healers often applied thick clay packs to the feet to absorb toxins from the body.

Benefits of the Tamarind Scrub: Tamarind is rich in AHA, alpha hydroxy acids, which make it ideal for removing skin's impurities and deep-seated dirt. Tamarind also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and can help prevent disease like eczema.


At Taiyue Suite | 132 416 960 21  .............................45 min | 370 rmb
At The Opposite House | 137 179 434 06 ..................45 min | 445 rmb


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