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Kocoon's natural home made lip balms

Have you ever thought that the lip balm you bought at the shop was drying your lips, and the more you apply, the more your lips become dry? Commercial lip balms are made with nasty petrochemicals such as mineral oils. It is not a complicated process to make a good lip balm, and this is why we are going to share with you how:


Ingredients for your lip balm: 

  • 3 parts oil  ( use coconut oil, or sweet almond oil)
  • 0.5 part beeswax
  • 0.5  part Shea butter
  • 10-15 drops of essential oils (peppermint goes well with coconut oil)

This proportion will make for a medium-hard type lip balm, but you can choose to make a softer type, by adding one part of oil. If I use one cup as a measure, this will make for about 20-25  lip balms.



  1. Melt everything in a double boiler on the stove and stir well to mix all the ingredients
  2. Let it cool down but not too much or the mixture will start to harden
  3. Add essential oils and mix well
  4. Pour into small containers

PS: I have used sticks instead of tins in the past, but realized that it is not very practical when you arrive to the end of the stick. And that's it! There is nothing more simple than making your own lip balm. Make your own, and this will be a great gift for your friends! Would you like to join Kocoon's workshops in the future ? Send an email to community[at] 



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Kocoon's February Spa Promotion

Kocoon spa's February Spa Promotion | 二月促销活动

Geishas were famous for their beau­ti­ful facial skin. The secret of their wrin­kle free skin even in advanced age was the famous Shi­atsu Tech­nique. This nat­ural and effec­tive treat­ment uses deep flow­ing move­ments and acu­pres­sure points. Our February Spa Promotion invites you to sample 3 different treatments to rejuvenate your skin and complexion,  and discover the pleasures of Japanese traditions. 


Upper Body Massage with Cocoa Butter (Back, neck, arms, hands)

Relieve skin itchiness or irritation with this luxurious and warm blend made of sweet almond oil and cocoa butter!

The antioxidant qualities of cocoa butter and sweet almond oil certainly take care of most signs of aging, but cocoa butter also provides a
barrier for the skin
that will protect it from outside agents as well.

Express Facial

A per­fect pick me up for those on the go, your skin will feel clean, smooth, and refreshed! Includes; cleans­ing, exfo­li­a­tion, ton­ing and moisturizing.

Kocoon’s Anti-Aging Face Shiatsu

Geishas were famous for their beau­ti­ful facial skin.The secret of their wrin­kle free skin even in advanced age was the famous Shi­atsu Tech­nique. This nat­ural and effec­tive treat­ment uses deep flow­ing move­ments and acu­pres­sure points. A Face Shi­atsu can:

- Relax tired eyes
- Pre­vent dark cir­cles and puffiness
- Smooth lines and plum-up skin
- Release ten­sion in the upper and lower face
- Pre­vent dehy­dra­tion and wrin­kles around the mouth
- Reg­u­late sebum production

Japanese Matcha Green Tea

Geishas are famous for their elaborate tea ceremonies. Green tea is loaded with polyphenols, but did you know that one cup of matcha green tea has as many antioxidants as 10 cups of regular tea!

Total treatment time: 90 minutes, 750RMB
Promotion not available on weekends


Fastest and best way: 24/7 Online reser­va­tion with real time schedule
Call, email or mes­sage our Spa Advi­sors dur­ing busi­ness hours:

(86) 132 416 960 21 | (86) 137 179 434 06
Wechat: Kocoon_spa

 @kocooning           facebook  Koconspa






日本艺妓的茶艺特别著名。 绿茶含有多酚,但你知道一杯抹茶绿茶中含有的抗氧化剂是普通茶的10倍。

护理时间: 90分钟, 750元 (周六日不提供服务)

最快捷、最好的预约方式:24/7 在线预约,可以看见真实的预约时间


(86)132 416 960 21 | (86)137 179 434 06

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Dark Chocolate with Caramelized Almonds, Guérande Sea Salt & Red Peppercorn

This month is all about chocolate. We made these tantalizing chocolate barks for our December Chocolate Spa Package, but because it's Christmas month and because we love you, we will be offering some with your post-spa treatment tea-tray at Kocoon spa.

The sea salt adds intensity to the chocolate while balancing the sweetness from the caramel, and the red peppercorn makes it fun and addictive!

1- Simmer 1/2 cup of sugar with 2 tablespoons of water until it has turned brown.

2-Move the caramel away from heat, and add 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter.

3-Whisk, and then add 1 cup of roasted almonds. Stir well until all the almonds are coated, then transfer them on a baking sheet (photo below). I like to cover with a tofu cloth and hammer them so they break in small irregular pieces, but some people like to have whole almonds on their chocolate barks.

4- Melt in a double boiler, 2 tablets of dark chocolate (photo below). I use a 64% dark chocolate. 

5- With a silicone spatula, spread the chocolate in a thin layer on a baking sheet on a tray. 

6- Sprinkle the chocolate with the almonds, some sea salt and red peppercorn or chili. 

7- Place the tray in the fridge for a couple hours. Once the chocolate has hardened, break it into pieces of random sizes. Enjoy! 

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How Often Should I Get A Facial?

How often you should get a facial depends on several factors -- your skin type, skin condition, skin care goals, your budget, age, even where you live. On average, getting a professional facial once a month is ideal for someone who wants to take good care of their skin. That's because the skin is a living organ, and it takes about 30 days for the cells to move up from the dermis to the surface, or epidermis, where they flatten out, die and slough off. A professional facial stimulates that exfoliation process, keeping the skin more toned and youthful-looking. Try to have a facial at least four times a year, as the season changes.

How Skin Type Affects How Often You Should Get A Facial How often you should get a facial depends on your skin type -- normal, combination, dry, or oily. If you have oily, acne-prone skin with breakouts, blackheads and clogged pores, you should get a facial every two weeks until it is cleared out and calmed down. As you skin improves, you can stretch it out longer until you're on a schedule where your skin stays relatively clean and clear.

If you have normal, combination, and dry skin, a once-a-month facial is usually fine.

How Skin Condition Affects How Often You Should Get A Facial

Skin condition is whatever the esthetician notices at the time of your facial -- dryness, dehydration, redness, blackheads, dull skin, etc. You might come more often than monthly if you have acne, a lot of blackheads or whiteheads you want to get cleared out, or if you have skin that would benefit from a series of treatments like peels, light therapy, or microdermabrasion.


Other Factors That Affect How Often You Should Get A Facial

Skin Care Goals. If you want to have your best possible skin for a lifetime, find a great esthetician early in life, get on a good skin care regime, and follow it. Not everyone puts a high priority on personal appearance.

Age. Unless they have oily skin and breakouts, younger people can usually get facials less frequently because their skin naturally generates new cell growth faster. When you're young, your biggest priority is to be on a good skin-care regime, keep the skin clear of blackheads, and have a strategy to deal with breakouts.

As you age, you might go more often and spend more on treatments that are done in a series, such as peels, light therapy, or microdermabrasion.

Budget. Income and budget affects how much money you have available for facials and skin care. Try to at least get a facial once every three months, and make the investment in quality products.

Where You Live. Urban environments have more pollution that make your skin dirtier. If you're prone to blackheads, you might need to be rigorous about your once-a-month schedule instead of stretching it out to six weeks.

Is There Such A Thing As Too Many Facials?

Yes! Unless you have oily skin that needs clearing up or you're doing a series that requires you to come in every week or two, once a month is sufficient. You can sensitize your skin if you overdo it.

via How Often Should I Get A Facial?.

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The Health Benefits of Massage

The Hidden Health Benefits of Massage

Physical contact may lessen depression, lower blood pressure, and even improve immunity.

Mark Rapaport, MD, used to wonder why his wife treated herself to so many massages. "She'd get tons of them, whereas I'd had maybe 10 in my entire life," says the chairman of the department of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

"But massage is a billion-dollar industry in the United States, which got me curious: Is there something to this beyond the fact that it feels good?"Rapaport's curiosity led to a study, published last fall, that looked at 53 healthy adults who received one of two types of touch treatments.

Blood tests revealed that those who had a Swedish massage with moderate pressure experienced decreases in stress hormones and increases in white blood cells, indicating a boost in the immune system. Meanwhile volunteers who had a "light touch" treatment showed higher levels of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding.

Based on the findings, Rapaport believes that massage might be effective in treating inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.The Cedars-Sinai study is part of a growing body of research that shows a link between many forms of touch—from massage to hand-holding—and improved health.

A study from the University of North Carolina found that sitting in close contact with a partner for 10 minutes lowered blood pressure in women. Other research has found that physical contact can trigger a boost in serotonin, a natural antidepressant.

Tiffany Field, PhD, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, recommends getting a "regular dose" of some type of touch lasting at least a few minutes each day, although 10 to 15 minutes is optimal (see Make Contact, next page).

This is true even for those who tend to guard their personal space. "Most touch aversion is to social touch; it's the unpredictability of it that bothers people," says Field.Rapaport has gained such an appreciation for the power of touch, he's starting a new trial to investigate the effects of massage on anxiety and has made the topic a personal research focus. "We're finding biological changes associated with a single massage session," he says. "That's saying something."

By Camille Noe PaganPhoto: Levi Brown

Source: The Health Benefits of Massage

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Mineral oil side effects, anything to worry about?

Mineral oil side effects, is there anything to worry about? Mineral oil is subject to some controversy. Some people love mineral oil and others hate it. Are mineral oil side effects that bad? What does ‘science’ say – is there’s anything to worry about?

On the website PubMed, medical researchers published some interesting peer-reviewed clinical studies about mineral oil.

It makes you wonder why mineral oil is so widely present in skin care products! Mineral oil side effects are very real and it is definitely not a natural organic ingredient. Somehow it made its way into our skin care and nutrition. Yes, there are different levels of refinement and it might be called “food grade” or “cosmetic grade” when used in this context, but it is still the same toxic substance. Many people may not be linking their frequent use of personal care products to health issues or skin problems. Vaseline, body lotion, hand cream, lipstick, lipgloss, shaving gel and mascara often contain mineral oil.

Mineral oil side effects have been have been found when looking at people who are frequently exposed to the substance. Workers in the petrochemical industry for example, but also many women, with their daily use of beauty products.

The workers in chemical, petrochemical, machine-building, metallurgic and car industries, who are exposed to mineral oil through skin contact and breathing, are significantly more frequently diagnosed with skin cancer. An study on 140 women, giving birth by cesarean, shows that mineral oil accumulates in the body over time. The study linked the build up of mineral oil in body tissue to (amongst others) frequent use of sun creams, lipstick and hand creams.

Another study has been checking the effects of baby massage with coconut oil versus mineral oil. The preterm babies as well as the other ones showed a better weight gain and a faster growth when massaged regularly with coconut oil. Mineral oil did not have that effect. No mineral oil side effects in this study, but the coconut oil was clearly improving the babies growth, where mineral oil was not.

Mineral oil has been used with success to treat certain dry skin conditions. In a study comparing mineral oil to coconut oil however, coconut oil was shown to have an even better effect. Something as simple and natural as virgin coconut oil does not expose people to the mineral oil side effects! Mineral oil components migrate from food wrapping into the outer layers of cheese and meat products. The amount of mineral oil present in the food is said to be negligible, but who’s counting the accumulative amounts? The industry certainly isn’t, just like they aren’t counting the amount of skin care products one uses. The levels of toxic substances or mineral oil in one product might stay under what they would consider ‘hazardous’ for our health, but most people use a lot more than just one pea sized dab a day. What is mineral oil doing, once inside the body?

Inside the body, mineral oil is broken down by the liver and passes through the bowels. There it absorbs and ‘steals’ away all the fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. This can compromise our health and lead to a deficiency in essential nutrients over time. Of course, you want to lock in moisture and protect your skin from the outside environment. Mineral oil may make dry skin look better temporarily, but it doesn’t treat anything. It just masks the condition. As soon as you stop using it, the skin will go back to the way it looked before. Even worse, since mineral oil increases aging, sun damage and dehydration. Natural oils do the job in a completely different and a lot better way. They protect and shield, but don’t prevent the skin from absorbing oxygen and letting out whatever it is the skin wishes to eliminate. They also do not contain carcinogens and do not harmfully build up in the body, nor do natural, organically grown oils take away our essential vitamins and minerals.

Source: Mineral oil side effects, anything to worry about?

At Kocoon spa, we believe in the therapeutic benefits of natural ingredients. We use only plant based oils such as coconut oil and pure sweet almond oil, blended with 100% natural essential oils. All products used are imported from France, England and USA. 

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Here's Why You Should Book Your Next Massage ASAP

There's no denying a massage is calming -- until you start feeling guilty for indulging in a little special treatment. A small new study excuses us all from the guilt: Massage therapy isn't just a way to relax, it's also a way to alleviate muscle soreness after exercise and improve blood flow, according to the recent research. Other benefits of massage have long been touted, but research is usually limited. Still, we think there are some pretty good reasons to book an appointment ASAP.


Massage can reduce pain.A 2011 study found that massage helped people with low back pain to feel and function better, compared to people who didn't get a rubdown. That's good news for the eight in 10 Americans who will experience debilitating back pain at least once in their lives, reported."We found the benefits of massage are about as strong as those reported for other effective treatments: medications, acupuncture, exercise and yoga," Dan Cherkin, Ph.D., lead author of the study, said in a press release.Massage also seems to lessen pain among people with osteoarthritis.It can help you sleep.The calming treatment can also help you spend more time asleep, according to research from Miami University's Touch Research Institute. "Massage helps people spend more time in deep sleep, the restorative stage in which your body barely moves," the Institute's founder Tiffany Field, Ph.D., told More magazine in 2012.In one study of people with fibromyalgia, 30-minute massages three times a week for five weeks resulted in nearly an hour more of sleep, plus deeper sleep, she said.Massage may ward off colds.There's a small body of research that suggests massages boost immune function.

A 2010 study, believed to be the largest study on massage's effects on the immune system, found that 45 minutes of Swedish massage resulted in significant changes in white blood cells and lymphocytes, which help protect the body from bugs and germs.It could make you more alert.At least one study has linked massage to better brainpower. In a 1996 study, a group of adults completed a series of math problems faster and with more accuracy after a 15-minute chair massage than a group of adults who were told to just sit in a chair and relax during those 15 minutes.

Massage may ease cancer treatment. Among patients receiving care for cancer, studies have noted multiple benefits of massage, including improved relaxation, sleep and immune system function as well as decreased fatigue, pain, anxiety and nausea. It may alleviate depression symptoms. A 2010 review of the existing studies examining massage in people with depression found that all 17 pieces of research noted positive effects. However, the authors recommended additional research into standardizing massage as treatment and the populations who would most benefit from it.Massage could help with headaches. The power of touch seems to help limit headache pain. A 2002 study found that massage therapy reduced the frequency of chronic tension headaches. And in a very small 2012 study, 10 male patients with migraine headaches noted significant pain reduction after neck and upper back massage and manipulation. You may even be able to reap the benefits without seeing a professional: Start by applying gentle pressure with your fingertips to your temples, then move them in a circular motion along the hairline until they meet in the middle of your forehead, WebMD reported.

The stress reduction is scientific.Between the dim lights, soothing music and healing touch, it certainly feels like stress melts away during a massage, but research suggests a very literal reduction of cortisol, a major stress hormone. Chronically high levels of cortisol can contribute to serious health issues, like high blood pressure and blood sugar, suppressed immune system function and obesity.Ready to book an appointment? Source: Here's Why You Should Book Your Next Massage ASAP

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Kocoon's nuts and dried fruits granola bar recipe

Kocoon’s gluten free granola bar with nuts and dried fruits


2 cups of chopped almonds

1,5 to 2 cups of honey - consistency should be like a thin syrup (you can warm it over a low heat stove)

2 cups of rolled oats

1 cup of Xinjiang raisins (black and green)

1 cup of dried red dates cut in thin slices 0.5 cup of Goji Berries

2 tsp Cinnamon

1- Turn on oven, coat oil on baking sheet and bake the almonds until golden (5-10 min) at 180 degrees = > Don’t burn them!

2- Chop almonds, dates, goji berries, oats, raisins and mix with honey until mixture binds. Add honey if necessary. You can also use a food processor to make this step faster!

3- Press the mixture in a tray with a roller pin until mixture is flat and even (make sure to cover the tray with a sheet lightly coated with oil, and then sandwich the granola between 2 sheets)

4- Put in freezer for about 30 - 45 min

6- Cut in bite size pieces and store them in a tupperware in the fridge, between layers of baking sheet

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Kocoon April Spa Promotion

Kocoon April Spa Promotion

In April, season is changing and our skin may become more sensitive than usual. You skin may react to products or the weather change, and experience redness and peeling as well as the discomfort of itching, overheating and stinging sensations. We recommend:

- 75 min PHYTOMER Marine Collagen Soothing Facial

- 20 min Aloe Vera Facial Massage with Cold Stones

95 min. of pampering and relaxation / 665 rmb

Upgrade to a 90 min facial including the neck for the facial, and extractions for 120rmb

The heal­ing maringe extracts of the facial will reduce any red­ness and irri­ta­tion, refresh the epi­der­mis, and help build nat­ural protection, while the calm­ing, strength­en­ing, and repair­ing ben­e­fits of aloe vera* will leave your face com­pletely refreshed, toned and glow­ing with vitality!

* The 99% aloe vera gel used is from the brand Mill Creek, and is cer­ti­fied organic by ECOCERT. Also con­tains cucum­ber & com­frey extract. Paraben, fra­grance and gly­col free.

Other recommendations for skin prone to sensitivity:

- Avoid products containing fragrance as it is a key allergen-> look for fragrance free products.

- Avoid chemicals in soaps and cleaners such as sulfates and anti-bacterial agents, those will draw out moisture form your skin -> Look for mild, botanical based soaps or demo-cosmeric cleansing formulas.

- Choose alcohol free toners




  • 75分钟菲迪曼海洋胶原舒缓面部护理
  • 20分钟芦荟冷石面部按摩
  • 95分钟呵护放松护理/665元

+120rmb: 升级为90分钟面部护理包括颈部护理和去黑头。

此项治愈系海洋萃取面部护理将会减少红肿、刺激及更细表皮,帮助建立天然保障,芦荟可以镇静、加强、修复肌肤的益处可以使肌肤更清新,更滋润,更具有光泽! 99%的芦荟凝胶来自Mill Creek品牌,经过ECOCERT有机认证。它其中包括黄瓜精油和紫草萃取精油。无对羟基苯甲酸酯,无香精,无酒精。 其他针对于倾向于敏感性肌肤的建议: 避免使用含有香精,因为会引起过敏。选择无香精产品。 避免化学香皂和洁面乳,例如含有硫酸盐和抗菌产品,因为那些成分会吸收皮肤里的水分。选择温和的、植物的香皂和不含有化学物质的化妆品。 选择无酒精爽肤水

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The Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is more than just another pretty plant.

The ancient succulent is just one of 450 different types of aloe that dates back to 2100 BCE. Originating in Africa, the dessert plant is now grown around the world for various reasons. According to the Global Diabetes Community,aloe vera juice can decrease blood lipids and swelling, both of which are common in diabetics. Aloe vera juice can also be used as a laxative, but be careful not to consume too much because it can also cause stomach cramps, kidney problems and heart disturbances, warn experts at The Mayo Clinic.

In the infographic below by Natural Healers, a website for students of natural medicine, we learn more about this medicinal plant, including how to grow it in your own home. 

This infographic explain the story of the aloe vera, his composition and the benefits for your body.

 Source: The Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera

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