Meditation with Ruby Ong ( HK )
Friday August 24, 19:30-21:00@ Kocoon spa lounge & elixirs
Join us for a guided meditation by Ruby Ong, participants will be guided into the forest...What follows are " secrets".
Followed by a brief private reading by Ruby on your life situation and how to untangle the perceived problem.
The evening will be fun and yet profound!
Participation: 150rmb / person
rsvp: 10-6410 5016
Out of consideration and respect for the participants, please make sure to come in advance to have time to unwind with a cup of tea. The session will start at 19:30PM sharp.
Unto Thyself, Be True – one of Ruby’s favourite precepts.
Ruby T. Ong is an experienced healer and caring teacher who endeavours in empowering people. Ruby operates a spiritual resource center in Hong Kong called Reflections. Since its establishment in 1998, Reflections has been serving as a platform for people on their spiritual quest. Through the center, Ruby provides practical counselling, healing and teaching. Her words of wisdom always bring people’s awareness back to their heart, helping them to see the truth, thus enabling them to become conscious that they have the power and the Divine right to live life fully with joy, ease and grace.
Ruby has a strong background in Alternative Healing methods which include Pranic Healing, Living Light Energy (Sekhem), Mandala Colouring/Reading and Reflective Counseling. Since 2009, Ruby has been travelling to countries in Asia and most recently to London to conduct workshops and private consultations. She has worked with a lot of people to bring balance and healing to their lives through one-on-one sessions, group presentations, workshops and distance healing.
「活出真實的我」 - 王華璟最喜愛的其中一句格言
王華璟﹝Ruby T. Ong﹞是一位經驗豐富的能量治療師,也是一位充滿愛心的靈性導師,她熱衷於激勵並發揮個人的內在潛能。王女士現於香港經營 “Reflections”身心靈健康中心。
王華璟擅長多種另類的能量治療,包括印度生命能量治療﹝Pranic Healing﹞、古埃及能量治療﹝Living Light Energy﹝Sekhem﹞﹞、以及直覺心靈啟導與輔導。她曾以個別諮詢、集體演說、工作坊和遙距治療的形式為無數的客人提供治療,並助其生命回復平衡。
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