The Tummy smoother

Fresh fruits, flax seed, some ginger and mint not only soothen your stomach but also your soul.
The smoothie contains the enzyme papain as well as potassium, both calming an angry digestive system. The ginger and mint nix nausea, fend off flatulence, and freshen breath.
Therefore this smoothie is great for every stomach disease.
What You’ll Need
1 c peeled, seeded, cubed papaya
1 c frozen sliced peaches
1 medium pear, cubed, skin optional
1 Tbsp ground flax seed
1 tsp sliced ginger
6 mint leaves
1/2 c low-fat Greek yogurt 6 ice cubes
Garnish with mint after blending.
Makes 3 servings. Per serving: 109 cal, 2 g fat (0.5 g sat), 21 g carbs, 15 mg sodium, 4 g fiber, 4 g protein
Recipe found on Women’s Health