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Phytomer Facials

French Phy­tomer Facials at Kocoon Spa Beijing

Let your beauty radi­ate with the power of the sea! The exclu­sive Phy­tomer cos­metic line from France uses nat­ural con­cen­trates from sea­wa­ter, algae as well as mineral-rich sea mud in order to com­bat cos­metic prob­lems effi­ciently.


Phy­tomer was rec­og­nized with an ISPA Inno­vate Award at the 2013 ISPA Con­fer­ence and Expo

All Phy­tomer facials include a face and décol­leté mas­sage to stim­u­late micro­cir­cu­la­tion and oxy­gena­tion of the skin, encour­age mus­cu­lar relax­ation and increase skin’s elas­tic­ity and tone. Fur­ther­more, we include in our facials, the appli­ca­tion of Phy­tomer Oligo­force Sooth­ing Enforce­ment Serum for skin strengthening

My favorite step in the Phy­tomer facials, is what they call “Marine Immer­sion”. The ther­a­pist gen­er­ously sprays a Sea Mist over your face as a pre­lude to your facial treat­ment. It feels like you are about to start a walk along the beach. You can almost hear the waves!” Maika– Co-founder of Kocoon spa

Youth Reveal­ing Advanced Facial

For: Dry skin and wrin­kles, lack of suppleness

An very orig­i­nal facial mas­sage in an excep­tional treat­ment tech­niques for instant vis­i­ble results.
With its two new pro­fes­sional masks and its unique resur­fac­ing lotion, this treat­ment reaches the height of biotech­no­log­i­cal per­for­mance and restores the skin’s youth­ful­ness, soft­ness and lumi­nos­ity. The spe­cific face mas­sage com­pletes the action of the prod­ucts and height­ens relaxation.

The skin is smoother and firmer. It glows with new radiance.

75 min | 750 rmb
90 min* | 900 rmb includes a com­pli­men­tary Lip Treatment

“Phy­tomer exprience is the Phy­tomer Youth Reveal­ing Facial Treat­ment — and there really is a TREAT in this treat­ment, the Pio­neer XMF cream.  One can’t help but feel lit­er­ally, reborn, after it.  Any­one who wants to focus on anti-aging, from repair­ing advanced signs of time to early inter­ven­tion (20–65+), will adore it.” Ali­son Black­man Dun­ham, lifestyles consultant. 

Sea­wa­ter Deep Mois­tur­iz­ing Facial

For: Dehy­drated skin

This treat­ment per­fectly bal­ances effec­tive mois­tur­iz­ing and intense relax­ation. It com­bines sig­na­ture prod­ucts with ultra-sensory tex­tures and a very relax­ing mas­sage to mois­tur­ize and com­fort the skin, which instantly reveals its nat­ural freshness.

75 min | 680 rmb
90 min* | 820 rmb

Marine Col­la­gen Sooth­ing Facial for Sen­si­tive Skin

For: Sen­si­tive skin sub­ject to red­ness, and wrin­kled skin

This cocoon treat­ment soft­ens the skin and improves its defense for a soothed and ide­ally hydrated epi­der­mis, pro­duc­ing a radi­ant com­plex­ion.
Truly gen­tle and com­fort­ing, this treat­ment acts to smooth the com­plex­ion with the local­ized appli­ca­tion of a fresh, melt­ing bi-gel and a rich, creamy mask which, after sev­eral min­utes on the face, is softly mas­saged in to make the moment even more enjoyable.

Results: treats the sen­sa­tions of tight or irri­tated skin or red­ness, the epi­der­mis is soothed and com­plex­ion is even.

75 min | 630 rmb
90 min* | 780 rmb

Dia­mond Lumi­na­tion Facial

To reveal the radi­ance of the com­plex­ion and dimin­ish dark spots.

This very com­plete treat­ment offers skin cleans­ing and chem­i­cal exfo­li­a­tion in order to encour­age a “new skin” effect. This is fol­lowed by a face mas­sage fol­lowed by the appli­ca­tion of the new Lumi­nous Com­plex­ion Mask with Vit­a­min C to deliver a final burst of radi­ance for a glow­ing face.

75 min | 650 rmb
90 min* | 800 rmb

Puri­fy­ing Facial

For: Com­bi­na­tion to oily skin

This tar­geted cleans­ing and mat­i­fy­ing facial treat­ment, with proven effi­cacy against blem­ishes, leaves the skin vis­i­bly health­ier, fresher and clearer. It com­bines two spe­cific highly effec­tive prod­ucts for per­fect extrac­tion. The first is an exfo­lia­tor that cleanses the pores in-depth and facil­i­tates the extrac­tion of come­dones. The sec­ond is a serum that is applied after the extrac­tion of come­dones to soothe and calm the skin. It also pro­vides a long-lasting matte effect.

Results: skin flaws are lim­ited, clogged pores are unblocked and excess sebum is regulated.

90 min* | 780 rmb


Phy­tomer Gentleman’s Facial

Cus­tomized Facial adapted to men’s needs

The face is deeply cleansed, mois­tur­ized, and soothed to reduce sen­si­tiv­ity com­monly asso­ci­ated with daily shav­ing. A potent, tar­geted serum is selected based on the skin’s indi­vid­ual needs whether oily, dry, sen­si­tive, or mature. Finally a sooth­ing, lift­ing facial mask are applied fol­lowed by a scalp mas­sage to leave him feel­ing revived and relaxed, so that chal­lenges of the day can be boldly met and con­quered with confidence.

60 min | 520 rmb


After Sun Sooth­ing Aloe Vera Facial

After sun care for dehy­drated or irri­tated skin

Even after apply­ing sun­screen, it is very easy for to get too much sun expo­sure on one’s face. This facial helps to calm, soothe, and cool the skin instantly while pre­vent­ing it from dehy­drat­ing and peel­ing. The calm­ing, strength­en­ing, and repair­ing ben­e­fits of aloe vera* will leave your face com­pletely refreshed, toned and glow­ing with vitality.

* The 99% aloe vera gel used is from the brand Mill Creek, and is cer­ti­fied organic by ECOCERT. Also con­tains cucum­ber & com­frey extract. Paraben, fra­grance and gly­col free.

60 min | 520 rmb

75 min* | 670 rmb


What are the facial steps?

  1. Marine Immer­sion
  2. Eye Makeup Removal
  3. Cleanse with cleans­ing milk
  4. Tone
  5. Exfo­li­ate
  6. Tone
  7. Strengthen with a tai­lored Serum
  8. Mas­sage
  9. Mask
  10. Tone
  11. Mois­tur­ize face, eyes and lips

*90 min­utes facials include treat­ment of neck area and kips, a steam­ing (if appro­pri­ate), extrac­tions, eye­brow trim­ming or waxing.

Facials Add-Ons

“Add on” is giv­ing extra care to an area that needs a lit­tle more atten­tion. Each add-on designed to act alone or as a pre­scrip­tive booster to any treatment.

Phy­tomer Eye & Lip Smooth­ing Treatment

An ultra-complete, effi­cient and relax­ing treat­ment for beau­ti­ful eyes that sparkle with youth and plump lips!

Alone or incor­po­rated into the facial treat­ment of your choice, this expert eye con­tour and lip treat­ment com­bines tar­geted effec­tive­ness and total relax­ation. It com­bines a revi­tal­iz­ing mas­sage ded­i­cated to the eye con­tour area with sen­sory prod­ucts for imme­di­ate vis­i­ble results. In one treat­ment, the eye and lip areas are smoothed, revived and refreshed.

30 min | 260rmb

Aloe Vera* Cold Stone Facial Massage

For dull skin, or after sun exposure

Bring your skin to life with this skin soft­en­ing med­i­c­i­nal plant! Aloe con­tains antiox­i­dants, such as beta-carotene and vit­a­mins C and E, which improve the skin’s firm­ness. The sooth­ing gel deeply mois­tur­izes the skin, stim­u­lates healthy cell renewal, and aids in the heal­ing process, espe­cially for sen­si­tive skin.

20 min | 200 rmb

Aloe Vera* Cold Stone Eye Con­tour Massage

For dark cir­cules and eye puffiness

Revi­tal­ize the eye area and reduce puffi­ness with this tar­geted hydrat­ing treat­ment! We use light col­ored stones to increase the power of the ther­apy because lighter col­ors retain cool tem­per­a­tures longer.

15 min | 150rmb

Shi­atsu Face Lifting

Geishas were famous for their beau­ti­ful facial skin.The secret of their wrin­kle free skin even in advanced age was the famous Shi­atsu Tech­nique. This nat­ural and effec­tive treat­ment uses deep flow­ing move­ments and acu­pres­sure points.

A Face Shi­atsu can:

  • Relax tired eyes
  • Pre­vent dark cir­cles and puffiness
  • Smooth lines and plum-up skin
  • Release ten­sion in the upper and lower face
  • Pre­vent dehy­dra­tion and wrin­kles around the mouth
  • Reg­u­late sebum production

20 min | 280 rmb

Busi­ness Hours:

TUE-SUN: 10:30AM — 8:30PM | THURS: 10:30AM — 9:30PM

Reser­va­tions highly recommended: 

Call, email or mes­sage our Spa Advi­sors dur­ing busi­ness hours:

  • (86) 137 179 434 06
  • Wechat: Kocoon_spa
  • Email: reser­va­tions
  • Post author
    Maika Endo