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French Connection’s Family Picnic & Fair

French Connection’s Family Picnic & Fair

French Connection’s Family Picnic & Fair

October 2016

We set up a pop-up Kocoon treatment tent for the event with a comfy mattress, soft blankets, crystal bowls and essential oils. We even had a herbal tea drinking area. Kocoon’s booth was set up in a quiet place away from the crowd, but then wondered whether people would actually see and come to us! Quickly, word of mouth did its magic, visitors were curious and stopped by. People reserved their session and waited patiently for their turn to relax. It is incredible how 15 minutes can change a person's mood and energy level. Our guests left uplifted, more relaxed, and with an even brighter smile. 

French Connection website


法国协会家庭野餐和展览会上轻松和愉快的一天 地址:顺义区新法国学校

我们为此项活动特别设立了一项护理,并为之准备了舒适的床垫,柔软的毛毯,透明玻璃碗,按摩精油。我们甚至提供水疗音乐,并在饮水处专门供给草药茶。 Kocoon摊位设立在一个远离人群安静的地方,但是漫步的人依然可以看到我们并像我们走来。 语言拥有神奇的力量,迅速地,来访者很好奇并停留在此。人们可以获得护理,并耐心地等待他们的顺序。Camille当天全部约满了。 不可思议的是,15分钟能够改变一个人的心情和能量值。我们的顾客离开时充满斗志,很放松,笑容很灿烂。一些人觉得很惊奇的是只有15分钟,似乎对于他们来说需要更长的时间。