Belly Dance Fitness with Dailina from France

It is said that “belly dance is a fantastic way to get fit, lose weight, and shape up. It improves coördination, balance, muscle tone and posture. ”
All I can say is, I have never thought that I would sweat so much in a belly dance class! You use your legs strength, your abdomen muscles, yours arms, your head, everything!
The session starts with a nice warm up, then learning several techniques and movements step by step, before making it become a whole choregraphy in music.
Dailina uses an eclectic playlist of uplifting music and oriental beats. The music made me travel and was part of the whole experience.
Great workout, and so fun! Imagine several ladies dancing together with their skirts, swinging, shaking, popping… definitely makes you feel sexy and very feline.
Classes are 70rmb / session at East Lake Villa ‘s clubhouse. On Tuesdays, 7-8pm.
1st time trial free for our VIP members!
Call Dailina 136 932 323 47 to book a session!