Thai Massage Therapy
Ingrid is a Member certified in Professional Thai Massage for Therapy and Thai Massage for Health at Watpo. She will be offering private sessions at Kocoon spa on Wednesdays. Discover the Thai massage techniques to relaxe and revitalize your body and spirit!
Treatment Description:
Carried out on a floor mattress and without the use of oils, Thai massage uses thumbs and palms pressure, stretching and stimulating energy (sen) lines to achieve complete relaxation and revitalization. Definitely an excellent way to improve circulation, decrease blood pressure, eliminate toxins, gain flexibility, reduce stress, increase energy levels, amongst other benefits.
About the Practitioner: Inspired by the foundations of the traditional Thai medicine and her continuous interest in exploring alternative ways of healing, Ingrid found in Thai Massage not only a beautiful but also effective traditional technique. Member of the Thai Healing Alliance and certified in Professional Thai Massage for Therapy and Thai Massage for Health at Watpo- Thailand, where she learned the traditional 2 hour massage sequence, acupressure and different therapies to approach common ailments.
Date: On Wednesdays Time available to book : 5:30pm - 8:30pm Location : Kocoon Spa Cover: 880rmb | person | 90 minutes session Information and reservation: reservations {at}
What is Thai Massage? - Thai Massage is part of the Thai Traditional Medicine ́s (TTM) - It ́s pillars are: Yoga, Ayurvedic medicine, Buddhism, Chinese herbal medicine and Thai herbal medicine - It ́s also known as Yogi Massage because many of the postures are analogue to the ones practiced in Yoga. The energy lines that are stimulated during the practice are also stimulated during the massage - There are many types of Thai Massage; northern style, southern style, Watpo style and many variations between them. - Watpo style comes from the famous Watpo Temple in Bangkok, where all the knowledge was consigned on the temples walls, it is also known as the Royal Massage due to its respectful protocol and minimum contact with the receiver. This became the first official school in Thailand. - Benefits: Blood circulation, muscle relaxation, increases flexibility, decreases blood pressure, reduces cortisol (stress hormone), muscle tone, joint lubrication.

Ingrid 是卧佛寺的一个经过认证的治疗型专业泰式按摩和保健泰式按摩组织的成员。她将每周三在Kocoonspa 提供私人课程,探索泰式按摩的益处,来放松和振奋你的身体和精神. 护理描述: 在地板的垫子上不需要使用精油,泰式按摩只通过大拇指和手掌压力,拉伸和刺激能量(SEN)线实现完全的放松和振奋,绝对是改善血液循环,降低血压,消除毒素和增加弹性,减少压力,提高能量水平的一种极好的途径。 特邀导师: 灵感来自传统的泰式医学基础和她在探索另类的治疗方式持续的兴趣。Ingrid 发现泰式按摩不仅漂亮而且是有效的传统技术。 她是泰国治愈联盟和卧佛寺的经过认证的治疗型专业泰式按摩和保健泰式按摩组织的成员,在这里她学会了针对常见疾病的传统的2小时按摩和指压疗法序列。 日期: 每周三 时间: 下午5:30-8:30 地点: Kocoon spa 费用: 880元/人,90分钟 更多信息和预约: reservations[a] 加入 Ingrid 在 Kocoon spa 的工作坊活动请点击链接 什么是泰式按摩?
- 泰式按摩是泰式传统医学的一部分
- 核心:瑜伽、印度草药医学、佛教、中国草药医学、泰国草药医学
- 它也被称为瑜伽按摩,它的姿势是模拟的练习。瑜伽能量线在练习中被刺激,也在按摩中被刺激。
- 泰式按摩有很多种类型:北方风格,南方风格,卧佛寺风格还有很多不同的风格。
- 卧佛寺风格来源于曼谷著名的卧佛寺庙,所有的知识都被放置于寺庙的墙壁上。它由于和顾客之间尊重的协议和最小的接触,也被称为皇家按摩。它是泰国第一所官方正式学校。
- 益处:刺激血液循环,放松肌肉,增加灵活性,降低血压,减少皮质醇(应激激素),肌紧张,关节润滑。

acupressure with Ingrid